Each Day Has Enough Trouble of Its Own

Dawn Benson Jones
Published in
2 min readDec 4, 2017
Photo by Victoria Palacios on Unsplash

Do any of you moms out there feel as worn out as I do?

Are any of you wondering how you’ll survive this stressful season?

Can you feel the pressure mounting?

We have all of our usual responsibilities plus…

Holiday entertaining

Christmas shopping




The list seems endless.

It’s all too much!

Lately, I’ve felt like I’m right at that tipping point where one more thing added to my to do list will push me over the edge.

However, one particular Scripture continues to be my saving grace. It goes something like this…

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. -Matthew 6:34

Did you get that? The secret is simply being present in the day you have been given and letting go of tomorrow.

This verse has had a powerful impact on our family in two ways. First, when I begin to feel overwhelmed, I remind myself…

Dawn, each day has enough trouble of its own. Remain present and focus on the challenges you are facing at this very moment.

Second, when my children begin to ask when we are doing this or when we are doing that, I am able to respond by saying…

Remember that today has enough trouble of its own. What are the things we need to complete right now? Let’s focus on that and that only.

When I say those magic words, a beautiful thing happens. They shift their focus to the immediate tasks at hand, and I feel my stress level drop almost immediately.

Photo by Aubin A Sadiki on Unsplash

It’s a win-win. Mom is happy. The kids are happy. No voices have been raised. No tantrums have been thrown.

That’s the power of knowing and meditating on God’s Word. It is the ultimate source of the “peace that passes all understanding.”

Stop for a minute, busy mom, and let that wash over you. Can you feel the peace? Do you trust God to get you through this day? I hope you can because…

Each day has enough trouble of its own.

If you have found this helpful, I would appreciate your applause. I would also love to know what Scriptures you cling to during stressful times.

If you enjoyed this article, you might also enjoy Praying With Open Hands.



Dawn Benson Jones

My passions are faith, family, and writing. Visit dawnbensonjones.com for more inspiring ideas to help your family grow deep roots of faith.