Fake People Have an Image to Maintain, Real People Just Don’t Give a F*ck

Drop the fake image and start living for yourself

George J. Ziogas



Humans are social creatures, it’s built-in — we can’t survive living entirely on our own. We need people. We need social contact. And that’s true for even the biggest of introverts (they just need a lot less of that social interaction). That doesn’t mean that humans don’t get bone-tired of dealing with other humans.

At this point in your life, you’ve likely run into your fair share of fake people. Unfortunately, it’s as natural an occurrence as having a funny bone. Fake people are a major reason for distrust because some of them are so good at it, that you don’t realize what they’re up to until it’s too late.

You see, fake people have an image to maintain, and a lot of them will go to great lengths to maintain it. Real people? Real people just don’t give a f*ck. There’s nothing more freeing than recognizing that you can be whoever you are and let it ride.

Is it normal to care about what other people think? Yeah, it’s normal. It’s part of being a social creature. We’re naturally drawn to other people and we want them to think well of us. It starts young, usually with trying to impress your parents or siblings. It continues as you try to impress your teacher and…



George J. Ziogas

Vocational Education Teacher | HR Consultant | Personal Trainer | Manners will take you where money won't | ziogasjgeorge@gmail.com