Feeling Misunderstood or Ignored? Try Having a Little Empathy

Realise that sometimes it’s not all about you

Toby Hazlewood


When we don’t get the reaction from someone that we think we’re due, it can be the hardest thing to understand and make sense of.

We may have laid out a compelling argument or given our best sales pitch.

The line we’ve just delivered might have been well-rehearsed and highly polished.

We told a story that was convincing, comprehensive and utterly enthralling (as far as we could tell). And what did we get in return?


Or worse still we got a response that was apathetic, argumentative or disinterested. Or we were misunderstood. Or ignored.

It happens within our families, in our social relationships, with co-workers, with our closest loved ones, and with complete strangers.

We all experience these interactions — when it happens to you it’s worth remembering something:

It’s not just about you. It’s not just about what you said or how you said it.

As self-centred humans, we forget that our daily interactions are with others of the same species and with the same interests — their days are based upon themselves and what’s going on in…



Toby Hazlewood

A writer, dad and husband sharing his thoughts, wins and losses to help and inspire others. https://tobyhazlewood.substack.com/