Five Things I Dislike About Travelling

After travelling to over 25 countries.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi


I love travelling. I didn’t always enjoy it, especially when my parents took me to the mountains as a kid. On the twists and turns on the road, my stomach would churn, and I’d be nauseous most of the journey. Back then, I also couldn't fathom why we would go so far.

The bug bit me when I was 21 and studying in England. I didn’t have many friends, and being in England felt like you’re at the center of the world, unlike my home country, India, where everything is far away. So, I applied for my first Schengen visa and went to Amsterdam for 4 days. That trip led to another solo travel 2 months later for 19 long days across 6 countries. And another, and another one (I know I sound like DJ Khaled here).

Lucky for me, a year and a half ago I married a solo traveller just like me, and we’ve travelled to six countries in the past 15 months and have this year planned too with our travels. I am writing this article because while I love travelling, I don’t like everything about it. And maybe escaping some of what I talk about can help you save some cash traps too.

Most ‘top-rated’ stuff is a trap

I’m yet to enjoy a restaurant or attraction that is super highly rated on Trip Advisor. Going up the Eiffel…

