Fixing Your Brain: A Guide to Balancing Neurotransmitters

Understanding, Troubleshooting, and Addressing a major component in Mental Illness and Chronic Conditions

Keenan Eriksson


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Neurotransmitters are signaling chemicals in our brains. They are responsible for our moods, motivation, energy, learning ability, and much, much more. When our neurotransmitters become unbalanced, we experience some of the worst states of being known to man.

When neurotransmitters become unbalanced, we may experience depression and anxiety (serotonin,) sloth, anger and lack of motivation (dopamine,) panic attacks, stress, and inability to calm down (GABA,) heart problems, burnout, and intolerance to exercise (noradrenaline,) and memory and focus problems (acetylcholine.)

We must understand how neurotransmitters work inside our brains, how specific imbalances manifest themselves, and how we can treat an imbalance in the short and long term.

Brain Chemistry 101

Note: If you don’t want to know the knitty-gritty science, and just want to learn how neurotransmitter imbalances feel and how to fix them, you can skip to the next section.



Keenan Eriksson

Biohacking-Based Life Coach & Author. I Help My Clients Overcome Disease Optimize Their Lives Using Biology.