Get to Know Yourself If You Want to Be a Prolific Writer

Readers don’t connect with your words because you haven’t connected with yourself.

Kevin Horton


Every writer wants to be good at writing. They shoot for the maximum level of impact possible. But sometimes that comes at the expense of revealing who they truly are.

The purpose of writing should always be to express what you feel inside, getting those thoughts out of your head. It’s easier to turn those thoughts and experiences into lessons once they become visible to us.

Yet we often cave at the fear of sounding too bland or too wordy.

The balance many of us crave becomes the biggest roadblock. There’s nothing wrong with striving to write with structure or clarity. Just don’t put yourself in the jail cell of perfectionism in the process.

The road to becoming a great writer starts with uncovering the deepest parts of yourself.

Getting the most out of journaling

I always come across stories detailing the benefits of journaling: better sleep, better writing, less stress, even better memory. But not many are talking about this often neglected piece of the puzzle.

It’s writing down your honest thoughts…



Kevin Horton

Designer. Helping content creators build the right online audience →