Goals Suck. Systems Work.

Ryan McRae
Published in
4 min readMar 23, 2019


Photo by Simon Abrams on Unsplash

I get a lot of emails about goals — and I mean — a lot. But if I had the ultimate answer for accomplishing your goals flawlessly, I’d live in a huge mansion.

One of the biggest reasons that I see people fail in their goals is that whatever they want to do, whatever they want to accomplish is just obtuse.

I mean the classic thing people want is to lose weight. I do. Maybe you do too.

But when someone only has that goal, nothing is going to happen after the ball drops on New Year’s Eve.

The reason is you’ve left things unclear. I mean, clearly you want the number to be lower, but what else? Is that it?

Now you might think that I’m going to talk about SMART goals to accomplish all of your dreams and hopes.

I’m not. No, no, no, no.

Goals are alright; they are a length of tape to run through so you know where the finish line is, but I’m afraid goals aren’t going to help you.

Let me say that again — goals aren’t going to help you.

If you were going on a road trip, and you wanted to get to San Diego, you wouldn’t stare at the city on the map as you drove. Sure, the goal is San Diego, but no matter what you aim towards, if that becomes your only way you are going to get there, you’re going to be staring…



Ryan McRae

I’m a writer and poet. And I love me some claps. If you dig this article, just throw me a clap. A little, tiny clap.