Hard Words to Hear When You Live with Chronic Pain (Part 1)

Ally Holland
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2018


I choose to believe that people mean well when they offer their opinions and advice. But even well meaning people can cross boundaries and say words that should be kept to themselves when talking to people who are suffering from chronic physical pain. Here are some examples of things that have been said to me.

Hard Words To Hear

-At least you don’t have cancer.

True, I don’t. You can’t compare two totally different medical conditions.

-You don’t look like you’re in pain.

In the words of Chuck Swindoll, “You can choose to be a drag and a burden, or an inspiration and an encouragement.”

-It can’t be that bad.

Actually, most days it’s worse than bad.

-God won’t give you more than you can handle.

He gives me more than I can handle all the time. He’ll do anything to keep me 100% dependent on Him.

-You’re not getting addicted to opioids are you?

As an RN I’m careful about the medication I take. I have weaned myself off opioids four times to take a “drug holiday.” I don’t like being made to feel guilty for needing pain medication.



Ally Holland
