Help me understand women

JJ Trujino
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2018

I see myself as a good guy. I am loyal. I’m respectful. I’m open-minded…and successful if that is what they are looking for. I think I have many of the good qualities a good guy has.

The girls even tell me that I am such a great guy. My friends think that I am a great guy as well. The few girls I have dated, I treat them well. Whenever there is a disagreement in the relationship, I always try to fix the issue without making things worse. Unfortunately, after a few months into the relationship, they leave. I look back at the relationship for things that I did wrong, but I rarely find anything. The few things I find are not deal breakers.

Just me?

It’s not just me either. I know a few people who had the same experience. I am sure everyone knows at least one person who has had that experience.
On the contrary, girls like a**holes. I know a few girls who dated guys that were such a**holes but stayed with them. The guys treated them like S***. Some people suggested me to do the same thing, treat girls like s*** but I just can’t do that. It is not in me to be an a**hole. I have tried, but I can’t do it. My mom would kill me if she hears I have tried to be an a**hole(I hope she does read this).


So why do women like to be with a**holes? What am I doing wrong? Now I am scared to get into another relationship because I always get hurt.



JJ Trujino

Athlete, Business Consultant, Economist, Aspire Entrepreneur