Hermeticism: My Application of Ancient Wisdom in the Digital Age

My Personal Experience With the 7 Principles of Hermeticism

Saleem Rana
9 min readDec 12, 2023


Photo by British Library on Unsplash

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the fast-paced complexities of modern life?

I’ve faced similar challenges, but I’ve found that ancient Hermetic wisdom offers remarkable clarity in navigating today’s world.

Today, I’ll reveal simple yet profound ways to apply these age-old secrets, helping you bring order to your hectic life.

Let’s explore these timeless truths together and tackle today’s challenges with confidence.

The Origin Story of Hermeticism

Once upon a time, in a land far away, more specifically in the mystical lands of ancient Egypt, there lived an enigmatic figure called Hermes Trismegistus, a revered and unique character with divine wisdom.

From his teachings emerged a spiritual philosophy known as Hermeticism.

But Hermeticism was not just any philosophy … it was a unique blend of mysticism, esotericism, and metaphysical beliefs.

Since it flourished alongside Gnosticism, it became intertwined with traditions like alchemy and occultism.

Everard’s seventeenth-century English translation of Marsilio Ficino’s Latin translation of 1471 brought to light the foundational texts of Hermeticism, such as the Corpus Hermeticum.

This scholarly work revealed a universe believed to be animated by magic, viewing God as the first magician.

But the roots of Hermeticism run even deeper.

In ancient Egypt, Hermes Trismegistus was considered an Egyptian god, his story becoming intertwined with Thoth, the Egyptian god of writing, magic, and wisdom.

As time went on, Hermetic thought developed a dualistic view, portraying the physical world as an antagonist to the soul’s pursuit of knowledge.

These secret teachings were not just ordinary knowledge.

They were considered hidden streams of primeval wisdom, capable of bringing about profound transformation when properly understood and applied.

The allure of Hermeticism lay in its promise of unlocking deep insights and guiding individuals on a path of enlightenment.

As the story goes, Hermeticism emerged from the depths of ancient Egypt, transmitted through the wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus, who has been considered by various schools of thought as either an actual sage, a literary fiction, or an Egyptian god.

It offered seekers a mystical journey, a chance to tap into hidden truths and discover profound transformation.

My Experience With the 7 Hermetic Principles

The Kybalion, another source of Hermetic wisdom, captures the timeless principles that have shaped esoteric and occult philosophies for centuries.

These principles guide individuals in their quest for self-mastery and understanding of universal laws.

I have experienced the profound impact of applying these principles in my own life.

These age-old ideas still hold relevance today, providing valuable tools for personal growth and navigating challenges in our ever-changing world.

In exploring the 7 Principles of Hermeticism, I have discovered transformative tools that shape my reality daily.

From the empowering Principle of Mentalism to the harmonizing Principle of Gender, these ancient precepts have deepened my understanding and mastery of life’s ups and downs.

But before we unravel the significance of each principle and explore how they can revolutionize your perspective as well, I’d like to share how I’ve applied the seven Hermetic Principles in my life.

My Journey: From the Law of Attraction to Hermeticism

Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

I embraced the concept of the law of attraction, where I came to believe that my thoughts create my reality, long before I had ever heard of Hermeticism.

This shift in mindset empowered me to be proactive in pursuing my goals, leading to transformative experiences.

Dealing with daily stressors became smoother as I focused on maintaining positive energy, which had a positive influence on those around me.

Understanding the law of attraction taught me to see challenges as opportunities and find balance even when life pulled me in different directions.

This point of view taught me to embrace change and flow with life’s natural patterns, staying grounded during times of upheaval.

Taking charge of outcomes through cause and effect made me more mindful of my choices, knowing that each decision shaped my journey.

However, my understanding of the law of attraction through the books of famous writers like Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy, and Florence Scovel Shinn, morphed into a study of mysticism when I stumbled upon Hermeticism.

Applying Hermetic principles wasn’t just a theory; it enriched my understanding of the law of attraction.

Hermetic principles began to inform every action I took and shaped my interactions in daily life, contributing profoundly to my personal development and growth.

Here is a step-by-step breakdown of how I now apply the 7 principles of Hermeticism.

1. The Principle of Mentalism

The Principle of Mentalism has been a game-changer for me.

It teaches that everything starts in the mind, and everything in our universe unfolds.

I now see the mind as a superpower, where what I focus on grows, shapes my reality, and influences the world around me.

My theory is that my conscious mind uses the gateway of the subconscious mind to talk to the universal mind.

Understanding this principle has completely shifted how I approach life.

Instead of feeling like a victim of unexpected setbacks, I now see myself as an active co-creator.

I realize that my thoughts are not just passing whispers; they hold immense power to shape my future.

This knowledge has made me more conscious of the negative bias of my mental chatter and inspired me to cultivate a mindset that aligns with the positive and productive life I want to create.

By embracing the power of my mind, I am paving the way for self-mastery and turning every thought into a stepping stone toward achieving my goals.

2. The Principle of Correspondence

Moving from the concept of Mentalism, we come to the powerful idea known as The Principle of Correspondence.

It tells us that there is harmony and agreement between the physical, mental, and spiritual realms.

Simply put, what happens on one level of reality also happens on every other level; our thoughts are reflected in the outer world, just like nature’s patterns mirror cosmic order.

I see this principle in action all around me. In my own experiences and observations, I notice that my inner state often matches what happens externally. The inner and outer align.

Ancient teachings and even Carl Jung recognized the truth in these parallels, and I have found deep insights by recognizing connections between different aspects of life.

This ancient wisdom not only helps me understand the universe but also myself within it.

It reveals hidden knowledge that is crucial for navigating the complexities of today’s world.

3. The Principle of Vibration

As we move on from the Principle of Correspondence, which shows the harmony between different levels of existence, let’s explore another important principle of Hermeticism: The Principle of Vibration.

This profound principle teaches us that everything in our universe is always in motion; even things that seem solid are moving at a molecular level.

Whether it’s rocks, rivers, or stars in the night sky, everything has its unique frequency.

I’ve come to realize how this vibration brings life to every part of our world.

Every thought and emotion I have creates ripples within me, echoing the universal truths taught by Hermeticism.

Our bodies resonate with the symphony of life, vibrating subtly but surely with the pulse of creation itself.

Embracing this concept has encouraged me to be more aware of my surroundings and tune into the subtle energies that flow throughout my spiritual journey.

4. The Principle of Polarity

The Principle of Polarity has always been a powerful tool for me when it comes to personal transformation.

Just like the yin and yang, it teaches that everything has its opposite — hot and cold, light and dark, love and hate.

This ancient wisdom reminds me that emotions and situations are not fixed; they can change along a spectrum.

When I feel overwhelmed or stuck in negative thinking, this principle reminds me that I have the power to shift my mindset.

Applying this insight from Hermeticism makes the ups and downs of life more manageable.

It brings balance and harmony by showing how interconnected we are with the natural rhythm of life’s contrasts.

During tough times, it guides me to find equilibrium amidst chaos — a useful strategy in today’s fast-paced digital world.

Embracing polarity keeps my mind engaged in growth and learning, rather than getting stuck in a one-sided viewpoint.

5. The Principle of Rhythm

The Principle of Rhythm is a fascinating concept that follows the dance of opposites in the Principle of Polarity.

It teaches us that life has a specific beat, a rhythm that influences everything from planetary cycles to our personal experiences.

Just like music has harmony and nature changes through seasons, our lives also have a rhythm.

Recognizing this pattern allows us to work with these natural flows instead of resisting them.

We can see proof of rhythm all around us — in our heartbeat, the ebb and flow of tides, and even in stock market trends.

By observing rhythm in action and adapting to its tempo, I can adjust my actions to align better with these universal patterns.

I’ve learned to anticipate change and not be caught off guard.

Knowing that motion and change are inevitable, I can find balance by paying attention to their oscillation.

Embracing rhythm means embracing a state of adaptation, where I flow with the natural progression of life instead of resisting it.

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect

The Principle of Cause and Effect is a powerful concept that follows the understanding of life’s natural cycles.

It constantly teaches me that every action I take has a consequence, just like a seed that grows into a fruit.

This principle has transformed my perspective, making me aware that what I give to the world comes back to me.

Embracing this principle has given me a greater sense of responsibility over my life.

It reminds me that nothing happens by chance; my success and failure are a result of my own decisions and actions.

By applying this knowledge, I have experienced how deliberate choices lead to predictable outcomes.

It has enhanced my personal growth and sharpened my decision-making skills in today’s fast-paced digital age.

7. The Principle of Gender

The Principle of Gender in Hermeticism has had a profound impact on my understanding of balance and creation.

It goes beyond the traditional male and female forms and reveals that everything in the universe possesses both feminine and masculine qualities.

These energies interact to bring forth creation, generation, and regeneration at every level of existence.

I’ve learned from texts like The Kybalion that the feminine aspect is essential for receiving inspiration, while the masculine aspect acts upon it, creating a dynamic cycle of growth.

Embracing this principle has guided me towards internal harmony by recognizing the need for both dual forces within myself.

By seeing gender as a metaphor that extends beyond physical characteristics to spiritual attributes, such as acceptance paired with action or intuition coupled with logic, I witness a dance of complementary opposites.

This principle teaches me that balance is not just something to strive for, but an essential rhythm in life’s continuous flow, where each part holds equal importance in the whole.

Contemplating this leads me to wonder how another core Hermetic principle, “The Principle of Cause and Effect,” further unfolds the tapestry of ancient wisdom intertwined with our modern lives.

Final Thoughts

Hermetic principles have stood the test of time, influencing spiritual knowledge throughout history.

From ancient Egypt to modern-day philosophy, the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus continue to inspire seekers of wisdom.

Throughout my journey with Hermeticism — which is an ancient philosophy, a spiritual tradition, and a manifestation guide — I discovered a profound connection between ancient wisdom and the challenges of the modern digital age.

Navigating the fast-paced and technologically driven world, I encountered both obstacles and opportunities.

Embracing the teachings of Hermeticism, I found a unique way to merge ancient principles with modern technology.

This fusion allowed me to experience personal growth and transformation on a deeper level.

It has provided me with a fresh perspective on life and a renewed sense of purpose.

Throughout this journey, I have come to appreciate the timeless wisdom that Hermeticism offers and its potential to guide us in navigating the complexities of the digital era.

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Saleem Rana

I'm Saleem Rana. I'm interested in human flourishing and aspire to help readers discover how to be the best version of themselves..