How Do I Report Sexual Harassment During COVID-19?

It’s just one of the many perils of working from home

Sara Dagen


Photo illustration by Sara Dagen

My husband is retired. COVID-19 has forced me to work from home. Translation: I am at home with him all day every day. Trying to work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

He walks into my office (the dining room) without invitation. He passes by me and grabs my behind or other parts, leans in and kisses me, stands behind me and massages my shoulders (for too short a time), suggests ways I might spend my lunch break with him (and it isn’t always a Walmart shopping trip). I’m not suggesting this is unpleasant, but, really, it is inappropriate at work.

Can you claim sexual harassment in the workplace if the harasser is not a colleague?

(Ever since I told him I was writing about him, he now takes even more delight in sexually harassing me, pointing out that, yes, he is doing just that.)

I had to sign a “work from alternate location” form to work from home — even though I’m not “essential personnel” and, therefore, banned from going to the office. I noticed it has a section that covers injuries in the “alternate location” workplace. It gives a phone number to call for worker’s compensation.



Sara Dagen

Light-hearted, light-seeking, and wondering if there is light at the end of the tunnel.