How Does a Relationship Make a Difference in Life?

For some, relationships become a blessing, but for others, they become a curse

Indra Raj Pathak
5 min readFeb 7, 2024


Created by Wepic

Our relationships with our family, spouse, friends, coworkers, neighbors, professional colleagues, and the larger society form a network in which we live.

Relationships can bring down heaven on earth and bury you in the darkest hell. I have experienced the warmth and the bitterness of relationships in my life. Fortunately, I have the privilege of getting full family support in all my constructive endeavors, but a lot of my family’s positive expectations of me made me restless sometimes.

As soon as we come out of our mother’s womb, we become members of the relationship network. However, these relations are delicate yet strong enough to stand in the storms of life. They become a part of our life story. They accompany us through the challenges of life. They share joys and sorrows. They inspire, scold, and warn us out of love and care.

In the lap of our parents, we learn the value of family relations since time immemorial. Being quite young, we watch the world through the eyes of parents. Our parental love and wisdom become our most trusted guide to lead us through the stormy young age.

My mother’s stories of patience and faith in God during misery and my father’s uncompromising support laid in me the sound foundation of family relations. Amid life’s constantly developing situations, these relationships give me a sense of preservation and perseverance.

Just like a coil of thorny vines, certain relationships clear up slowly and painfully. Two friends who shared their dreams with each other. They felt totally stabbed in the back, it destroyed their bond. They ruined trust with all the lies and broken promises. Their toxic relationship was a hard lesson for us all to be truthful and defend genuine connections.

How surprisingly romantic relationships shape destinies! Through the tender whispers and shared dreams with a life partner, one discovers a love that surpasses the mundane and fills one's heart with eternal joy.

The perfect harmony between their hopes and the constant backing they provide to one another during life’s trials turns every challenge into a collective success. This beautiful relationship, a true blessing, guided them on a journey of self-discovery and mutual growth.

In the depths of my mind, the vivid recollections compel me to hear the ceaseless reverberations of a love story that took a tragic turn. But even in heartbreak, one learns valuable lessons that make one stronger and stronger. Love is tricky, you know? It can bring us so much happiness, but also so much pain. It’s like a curse that hits us hard when our dreams are crushed, and we’re separated.

Friendships, no matter how brief or lasting, make life more interesting. Laughing together on lazy summer afternoons and finding comfort in true friends is pure happiness. Sadly, losing friends reminds us that life doesn’t last forever.

I realize how relationships can totally change everything. They’re the ones who create our memories, protect our happiness, and sometimes cause our sadness. Whether good or bad, relationships shape who we are and define our journey from birth to the grave.

How a relationship lands in doom

Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

Mr. Saxena (name changed) was my next-door neighbor at my old home. His son married a highly educated and well-placed girl with great pomp and show, with tall promises and huge aspirations for a bright future.

After a few months of marriage, we began to hear the loud noise of heated arguments between his son and the newlywed girl.

A few months later, Mr. Saxena celebrated the news that he was going to be Grandpa.

His daughter-in-law gave birth to twins after a year and a half of marriage.

Though the frequent quarrels between husband and wife continued since marriage, after the birth of twins, both became very aggressive and sometimes violent too. The reason for the quarrel, as we learned through whispers, was that they both had extramarital relationships.

Due to persistent quarreling, both frequently missed their jobs.

In my country, divorce is generally avoided and considered the last remedy. In cases of arranged marriages, the parents of both the man and lady, along with close relatives, intervene for the peaceful settlement of the issues. Nearly a month passed in these endeavors, but in vain.

One night, after a violent quarrel, the lady with a big suitcase left her in-law’s home, leaving behind her twin sons. Then the sky really fell down on Mr. Saxena’s son to bring up a few-month-old twins. Within a year, the lady files a divorce suit in court.

This is the relationship that has completely brought disaster into the life of man.

How a relationship lands on a bloom

Photo by Jessica Rockowitz on Unsplash

I remember there was a teacher, Ms. Maya (name changed), under my principalship, who was dedicated, reserved, and often wore a melancholic expression. Her family was poor.

She comes into my office one day and lets me know she’s tying the knot at the end of the session.

The man she was set to marry had migrated to Canada and was now working as a medical doctor. After marriage, she would settle there with her husband.

I was invited to the wedding and met her groom, who looked like a very sincere, responsible, and affectionate gentleman.

I saw a wonderful glow in Maya’s eyes that I had never seen before.

Maya came back after two years and met me. She was completely transformed into a gorgeous lady. She got a teaching job there, too.

See the miracle of a relationship that landed Maya in the perfect bloom.

The different behavioral patterns that people exhibit can impact our relationships with them.

I can recall difficult moments in my life when not all of my relatives supported me. Some people are inherently toxic, which makes certain relationships toxic from the start.

It is wiser to fortify the relationships that you cherish most rather than condemn others. Relationships have the power to both make and break our lives. They can bring us happiness, prosperity, and success and ruin us.



Indra Raj Pathak

Educationist, pragmatic, writer-poet by passion. Editor.