How I Used Experimentation to Become a Top Writer on Medium

Steal it all

Eve Arnold


Photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash

For nine years, running experiments has been part of my working life. At university, I studied Biomedical Science (full of experimentation), and post-university, I found my fit in Product and Service Design, which is essentially running a startup inside a big business — today, experimentation is my job.

For three years I’ve used experiments as a cornerstone of my strategy of writing on the internet. It was an easy lift from how I operated in my day job and I thought, seeing as I was having fun writing on the internet, I’d test out my operating system online.

Today I’m documenting how I run experiments writing on Medium to show you why using experimentation allowed me to become a top writer on the platform.

Step 1: Goal

The first (and perhaps) most important step is to document what exactly you are trying to achieve. You might write a much different article depending on your goal. For instance, if you’re going for relatable and building a relationship with your audience, you’ll want to write an article that optimises for comments.

If you want to optimise for enjoyment on your end, you might want to write an in-depth article about a major frustration this week (I do this all the time). If…

