How The 4-Selves Mental Model Revolutionised My Productivity

A conscious approach to productivity that’s both liberatingly flexible and effective.

Dr. Akshad Singi


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Note: This article will be long. That’s because, this approach to productivity has transformed my life, and hence, I want to explain the concepts in as much depth as I can. I recommend bookmarking this piece for future reference and also reading/listening to it simultaneously to appreciate the visuals and make the length less daunting.

It seems as though “productivity” is a problem we have solved. And yet —

Or, consider South Korea, known for its intensely competitive work culture & extreme productivity, also has one of the highest rates of suicides.

These facts indicate that despite high productivity on the outside, we’re not experiencing the inner effects we truly desire and need.



Dr. Akshad Singi

12x top writer. Doctor. Published in Business Insider. Using mindfulness to induce an inner revolution. Get in touch: