How the Holy Spirit Came Upon Me and Breathed New Life Into Me

I began to believe in Jesus

Janis Cox
Published in
5 min readJan 22, 2024


Janis and Kimberley Payne leading a fun exercise at a women’s workshop. (After I said “yes” to Jesus.)

The date is 1999, sometime. There is no trauma in my life. Everything is good. Our business is going well. I only need to work part-time in the business. Kids are great, one married, two in university.

All is good, except I feel empty, really empty.

The background

I have always belonged to a church. We have moved to different churches over the years. We had a lovely church when the kids were small. Then, inner troubles made things very difficult. We went with a new church plant that met in a high school.

That was interesting, but the kids weren’t involved and my spirit wasn’t in it. However, I taught some Sunday School and even took over the treasurer’s job when they planned to build a new church. The financial files were in terrible shape and it took me a long time to get them straightened out.

But then this church had strife

I wasn’t even up to going for an 11 am service. Something was wrong. God knew and His plan was to take me somewhere else.

You know how they say that God is behind the scenes? Well, I can see that…



Janis Cox

Creativity Spiritual Catalyst. Author/Illustrator. Jesus follower. Growing Through God's Word FB group for reading the Bible.