How to Achieve Exactly What You Want

Focus on the right things to make big moves.

Christopher D. Connors


Photo by Marcelo Matarazzo on Unsplash

The truth is, we run away from our biggest dreams and goals because we’re afraid of actually doing the work required to get there.

When I say “required,” I mean that absolutely nothing great comes easy. Doing the work is hard, but it’s the only way you’ll ever get to know the truth of who you are — you know, whether you really have what it takes to live the life you’ve always imagined.

If you want to live the exact results that you dream about and think about constantly, then you have to be willing to work hard, think more creatively than you ever have, and commit to persevering through good times and bad. It’s not a struggle to persevere when the going is good. It challenges us to our core when we encounter adversity and are forced to give up or press on.

Earlier in my career, I was fired from a prestigious job in management consulting. I simply didn’t cut it, and while there were other reasons at play, my performance just wasn’t good enough. It took failing and getting my ass kicked to realize that I needed to change.

I also realized that I wasn’t doing something that I loved. Which meant that I wasn’t motivated. Which meant I didn’t hustle hard enough and pour my heart and soul into it.

