How to Avoid Attacking a Bag of M&M’s

Pray Scripture

Ida Adams


Personal Photo of Guilty Pleasures.

I have a not so secret sweet tooth

It isn’t a blessing. But calling it a curse is rather harsh. And calling it a cross degenerates the meaning and value of the cross.

The cross in my life is serious stuff. Not to be equated with “forbidden to self- candy.”

That family size bag of M&M’s

How I love those off-limits brightly colored peanut-filled crunchy treats. I prefer having the same number of each color. I eat them in turn. It’s a ritual. Except for the brown ones. Those I eat first. All of them. I don’t like the color.

After that, it’s one color after the other. One at a time. Don’t try to tell me they all taste the same. Some days I save a yellow one for last. Sometimes blue or red. Colors affect my mood. But yellow, cheerful and bright, is the favorite.

I committed a serious error in checking into the history of my favorite treat. And found myself plunging headlong down a rabbit hole designed for a behemoth of the species

M&M’s were first introduced on September 10, 1941, by Mars Incorporate. Wikipedia describes it as follows:



Ida Adams

Hi there! I'm Ida. Christian, wife, and mom to three rescue dogs. I share lessons hidden in my messy, yet amazing journey. A dollop of humor now and then.