How To Balance Creative Ambition With Your Relationships

Cali Bird
Published in
6 min readJul 16, 2019


You desperately want to work on your art. It’s the weekend at last but now there are other things to do. Shopping, chores, family time, looking after aging relatives. The clear day that you have promised yourself all week is ebbing away before you have even got started.


You want to keep working. You’re in a great flow and wish you could spend more time on it. But it’s time to go out to lunch with your husband. You had promised him that you would do something nice this weekend, but really, you wish you had the time to yourself so that you could get on with your art project.


You are going to self-publish your first novel. You know that it is a lot of work because as well as the writing there is the technical and marketing side. You’re up for the challenge and you are happy to learn anything new that will help you. You’re ambitious and wildly excited that your book is finally going to make it out into the world. You want to devote as much time as possible to it but it’s not as simple as that. You have to work, be a wife and support your family. And you’re also knackered from juggling so many balls and cramming your creative work into gaps of time where it hardly fits.



Cali Bird

Realistic advice on being creative alongside your busy life. I write novels too. Need romantic escapism? Check out