How To Be Generous Without Using Money

Eight cashless ways you can share your generous heart

Danielle Bernock
3 min readNov 16, 2017


Tis the season for thanksgiving, gratitude and generosity. The requests start pouring in for charitable donations as many hearts open wide. But what can you do when the desire to give exceeds your monetary resources?

Generosity doesn’t have to be limited to dollars or euros or any other financial tender. Giving money to help others is always good but there are ways to pour from your generous heart without using money.

Consider these non-monetary ways to be generous.

Be generous with your time

  • Babysit for someone
  • Read a book at a local library to a group of kids
  • Volunteer at a school or organization
  • Listen to someone who needs your attention

Be generous with your strength

  • Help someone carry groceries
  • Help someone move furniture
  • Shovel someone’s snow
  • Push a stranded motorist’s car off the road

Be generous with your knowledge

  • Tutor someone or their child in something academic
  • Teach a class at an assisted living place
  • Help someone solve a problem you’re an expert in
  • Teach someone how to use all the features on an iPhone

Be generous with your talent

  • Create a logo for a new business
  • Cut hair for charity
  • Sing or play an instrument in a nursing home
  • Sew costumes for a local play

Be generous using your creativity

  • Have a garage sale to raise money to give away
  • Have a bake sale to raise money to give away
  • Use phone apps to donate food and money
  • Gather returnable bottles and cans and donate the money

Be generous with support

  • Encourage someone with your words
  • Support artists through sharing on social media
  • Participate in a walk to raise funds for a cause you believe in
  • Send a card to someone grieving months after the loss

Be generous with your things

  • Loan your snow blower or lawnmower to someone
  • Donate blood
  • Give boxes you have laying around to someone who’s moving
  • Donate good quality things you have a surplus of (blanket, hat, coat…)

Be generous with your assistance

  • Provide transportation for someone who has no car
  • Do errands for someone
  • Weed someone’s garden or rake their leaves
  • Wrap Christmas presents for someone

Being generous starts in the heart. A generous heart is a happy heart.

While there are legitimate health, business, and psychological benefits to generosity, the most important one is this: it gives your life meaning. Jeff Goins

What now?

I want to be generous — This is for you — click here!

Now it’s your turn — I dare you to be generous.

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Danielle Bernock is a the author of Emerging With Wings: A True Story of Lies, Pain, And The LOVE that Heals. Subscribe to her blog here. Follow her on Facebook & Twitter @dbernock



Danielle Bernock

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