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How to Feel Less Shitty Being You

Ask the hard questions

Jeremiah Luke Barnett
Published in
8 min readSep 7, 2022


Part 1/8 in a series of posts walking down the pathway from wondering if I should even exist to taking control of my life.

#1 Ask the Hard Questions

Sept. 2017 — Los Angeles, California

Sitting in a Starbucks just outside Brentwood, I was shivering. The combo of cranked AC to combat the LA heat, an empty college boy’s stomach now filled with cheap iced coffee, and the realization that all direction in my life was ripped away, torn apart, vandalized, and burned left me weak in the knees and numb of mind.

Ok, perhaps a bit dramatic, but let’s continue.

Rewind a few hours on the same day, take the bus a few miles back up the road to Westwood, and you’d find me midway through a lunch that, unbeknownst to me, was about to change my life.

As I set my glass of water back down on the crisp, thick tablecloth — the kind that makes you want to sit up straighter and look people in the eye — I cleared my throat as I had a thousand times before and began my well-practiced lie.

“My goal in life is to change the world as a high-powered lawyer and politician.”

