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How to Fight Fear by Focusing on God

Irrational Fears are Almost Certainly Holding You Back

Alana 🌴
Published in
12 min readJan 13, 2020


Did you know that we are born with only two fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud sounds.

All other fears are learned. For example, the fear of spiders and snakes is believed to come from way back when the threat of being poisoned by these creatures out in the wilderness was real. Through the ages, children were taught to stay away from those creatures because they were venomous.

Like this example, many fears are taught and they continue to grow and develop over time.

How Fears Develop

Children take cues from their caregivers and become afraid of certain things based on the projection of the adults around them. They can also come upon children more indirectly, such as from parents’ fears that they have projected onto their children unconsciously or through our social environment (i.e. social programming).

A real-life example:

If I react fearfully when thunder and lightning strike, my 4-year-old daughter will pick up on those cues and feel that there is something fear-worthy in storms. My reaction, displayed over and over again, can certainly result in my child becoming wary of the same things.



Alana 🌴

Complex Trauma Release Specialist, helping women Overcome Complex Trauma WITHOUT spending years talking about their problems.