How to Get Back in the Game When You’ve Been M.I.A

Matt Miller
Published in
4 min readOct 24, 2018


Writers are often a temperamental lot. It seems any change can take us off course, like changing winds blowing a yacht off-course.

Things — frustrating things — seem to crop up. Out of nowhere, you can have your time misdirected by others (though this is not always intentional or mischievous). Or you can be laid low by the flu or some other malaise.

Then, when you’re over this interlude and it’s time to get back on the horse, you can find yourself stuck. Your normal rhythm having been thrown out of whack, you now have to find a way back.

So, how do you find your writing mojo again when you’ve been MIA a while?

Every writer has been through this. It is not unheard of for writers having finished a long work, such as a novel, and not picking up the pen again for years.

Sounds odd, doesn’t it?

Surely, if someone is a writer they must love what they do enough to keep going?

Like, writers can’t have down days. They can’t be hampered by illness. Or forced to lay down the pen while they pick up the suit and tie to pay the bills.

Sometimes — just every now and then — such breaks may even be beneficial. Stepping back for a moment can give…

