How To Get Into Heaven Without Being A Church-Going-Christian

Isaac Breese
Published in
4 min readJul 12, 2019


Photo by Akira Hojo on Unsplash

For a long time, it has been standard that if you are a Christian you attend church and that lack of attendance your revokes your Christianity and puts your salvation in question.

However, your salvation does not require that you be a Christian and the qualifications for being a Christian doesn’t require regular church attendance.

The church has persuaded us that the prerequisite to be a Christian and walk through the gates of heaven is contingent upon church attendance.

While this may have been intentional or not, this belief that has been so widespread that society has convinced itself that every everyone that goes to church is going to heaven and that everyone that goes to church is a Christian. We have come to the conclusion that Christianity and salvation is by association.

But that’s not true. Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian nor does it solidify your spot in heaven.

What saves you is simply a matter of faith. Yet what makes you a Christian is a matter of faith combined with your deeds.

Have Unbeatable Faith

“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised him…



Isaac Breese

Fashion Designer who loves writing about Christianity, Education and Style