How to Ignite the Fire Inside of You

Luke Rowley
Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2018


“Managers light a fire under people. Leaders light a fire in people.”
— Kathy Austin

Earlier this year, I finished an entire yellow junior legal pad worth of notes from the books I’ve listened to over a couple of months.

The ENTIRE THING has notes.

I had to look it up to find out how many pages that is.

That’s about 50 pages of content.

That I wrote.

That blows my mind! It’s like a short Kindle book worth of information. It’s filled with some incredible stuff that has changed my life and paradigm over the last two months.

It’s got notes from over a dozen books I’ve listened to over the last few months, including Crucial Conversations, 4-Hour Workweek, and Crushing It!

Squeezing out the last bit of space to write the last notes that filled it up, I remembered a recent experience that terrified me.

I was rummaging through an old desk in the house, cleaning it up to have a solid space to dedicate to writing. I found an old, dusty, and very similar looking (and similarly full) legal pad, only it wasn’t my handwriting.

It was the handwriting of someone I know very well.



Luke Rowley

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