How To Improve Your Writing From Vincent van Gogh

It is all about your story.

Froyle Davies


Self Portrait with a Grey Felt Hat, Vincent van Gogh, 1887 (Photo by Ståle Grut on Unsplash)

On 15 May 1990, The Portrait of Doctor Gachet by the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh was sold for $82.5 million (U.S.) to Ryoei Saito, (Japan’s second-largest paper manufacturer). This painting holds the record for the most expensive painting ever sold at auction. How can this work of art, that no one wanted during the artist’s lifetime, sell for such an incredible amount of money one hundred years after it was painted? Is it because of Van Gogh’s incredible talent or is it because of the story surrounding the artist’s life?

Portrait of Doctor Gachet, Vincent van Gogh, 1890, Auvers France (public domain)

Vincent van Gogh is undoubtedly one of the most famous modern artists. His expressive and emotive use of colour and distinct brushwork became hugely popular and influenced Expressionism, Fauvism, and early abstraction. However, during his decade-long career, Van Gogh sold only one painting and struggled all his life with alcohol abuse and mental health issues. He died in poverty, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Van Gogh had a difficult personality. He was obsessive and argumentative, and nobody liked him. The art dealers did not consider his paintings saleable and to…



Froyle Davies

Art, Creativity, and Inspiration. Stories to encourage you. Visual artist and hostel manager, living in New Zealand.