How to Manage Your Time Effectively as a Busy Professional

4 Ways to boost your productivity by time management

Indra Raj Pathak
8 min readJul 23, 2023


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In today’s fast-paced world, productivity is a key factor in achieving success. Whether you are a student, a professional, or an entrepreneur, effective time management plays a vital role in increasing your productivity.

In this article, I will share a personal experience and provide real-life examples of boosting your productivity through effective time management techniques.

As the Principal of a K-12 school, I oversaw a bustling campus with over two thousand students, one hundred teachers, and about fifty non-teaching staff.

The school principal had a wide range of responsibilities, including assessing students and teachers, overseeing all academic administration, managing staff hiring and firing, and handling admissions and expulsions, all while ensuring the needs of all stakeholders were met. If a school were a business, the Principal would be its CEO, according to corporate jargon.

During my tenure, I kept a detailed schedule to optimize my productivity, and I’ll share it with you.

1. The Power of Prioritization

One of the most important aspects of time management is prioritization. If necessity serves as the origin of innovation, focus plays a crucial role in swiftly carrying out tasks.

Valuable insights can be gained from this concept, which can enhance professional productivity by prioritizing important tasks with intensity and urgency.

It is essential to identify and focus on tasks that are most important and urgent.

Efficiently allocating your time and energy helps you complete important tasks without feeling overburdened.

For instance, when I was juggling multiple projects with strict deadlines like examinations, Annual Day Celebration, completion of the syllabus, observation of effective revision, final year students’ excursion, and a new admission campaign. I applied, The Eisenhower Matrix method, also referred to as the Urgent-Important Matrix, which is a highly effective prioritization tool.

It involves categorizing your tasks into four distinct categories:

  1. Urgent and Important

2. Important but not Urgent

3. Urgent but not Important

4. Neither Urgent nor Important

It is crucial to prioritize tasks in the Urgent and Important quadrant, as they require immediate attention. Allocating time for important but not Urgent tasks is essential to prevent them from becoming urgent in the future.

Delegate or eliminate tasks in the Urgent but not Important category, while minimizing the time spent on tasks in neither Urgent nor Important quadrant.

I realized the significance of prioritizing tasks. By creating a to-do list and ranking tasks based on their importance and urgency, I could stay organized and accomplish my work effectively.

This method helped me avoid wasting time on trivial activities and concentrate on what truly mattered.

Besides, I often used The Pareto Principle, commonly referred to as the 80/20 rule, which asserts that 80% of the outcomes you achieve stem from just 20% of the actions you take. Recognize the specific tasks that significantly contribute to your objectives or yield the greatest impact and then prioritize them accordingly.

2. The Pomodoro Technique

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Another effective time management technique is the Pomodoro Technique. This method involves dividing your work into 25-minute intervals called “Pomodoros,” followed by a short break of 5 minutes. After completing four Pomodoros, take a longer break of 15–30 minute to recharge.

Research has shown that an effective method for overcoming the cycle of avoidance is to reduce the task at hand to a minuscule and non-threatening initial step. For instance, instead of dedicating time to writing an entire novel, allocate just 5 minutes to writing. If that still feels overwhelming, simply focus on editing a single paragraph.

By engaging in small actions for short durations, the challenge becomes far more manageable compared to tackling a large-scale project all at once.

The Pomodoro Technique serves as a useful tool to combat self-interruptions and retrain the mind to concentrate. Each “pomodoro” is dedicated solely to a specific task, and each break presents an opportunity to reset and refocus one’s attention on the current work at hand.

Many of us make common mistakes when it comes to planning our future projects. This mistake is known as the planning fallacy, which means underestimating the time it will take to complete tasks in the future, even when we have experienced similar tasks taking longer in the past.

Our current selves imagine our future selves working under different circumstances and time constraints.

To combat this tendency, the Pomodoro technique can be a valuable tool. By breaking up work into short, timed sessions, time becomes a tangible and measurable concept rather than something abstract. Each session, known as a pomodoro, represents both a unit of time and effort.

During a hectic period, I implemented the Pomodoro Technique to boost my productivity. Breaking my work into small, focused intervals allowed me to maintain a high level of concentration and avoid burnout.

By incorporating regular breaks, I found that my productivity and creativity increased significantly, resulting in better-quality work.

3. Eliminating Procrastination

Procrastination is a common productivity killer. It is crucial to identify and overcome this habit to maximize your time management efforts. One effective strategy to combat procrastination is the Eat the Frog” method.

The “frog rule” suggests that by starting your day with something difficult, you can work your way up to something great.

People often misinterpret the frog rule as self-punishment. Although it’s helpful to challenge ourselves with difficult tasks, the main value of the frog rule goes beyond this.

Eat the Frog helps optimize your productivity by prioritizing your most mentally demanding work during your peak hours. This approach allows you to reserve less critical tasks for moments when your cognitive abilities are depleted.

To apply the frog rule, consider giving this suggestion a try.

Write the word “frog” on several index cards or sticky notes. The frog’s participation will bring you closer to your critical task. You might focus on a work project, striving to achieve a physical or mental health goal, or working to improve a relationship.

It’s possible that you know the important actions to take toward your goals, but some of them may be distasteful. Write them down to avoid getting lost in your thoughts.

Once emotions are translated onto paper, their intensity can sometimes be watered down.

In my personal experience, I struggled with procrastination when facing daunting tasks. However, by adopting the “Eat the Frog” principle, I shifted my mindset. This strategy involves tackling the most challenging task first, ensuring a sense of accomplishment, and motivation to complete the remaining tasks.

By conquering the toughest challenge upfront, I found that my productivity soared, and I was less likely to procrastinate on other tasks.

4. Effective Planning and Time Blocking

Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash

In the previous week, it’s likely that you have reassessed the importance of your tasks, adjusted your schedule, and possibly put in extra hours to complete something. This is a common experience.

Recent studies show that 87% of individuals in knowledge-based roles are working an additional two hours per day compared to 2019. However, over 25% of deadlines are not met each week. Daily, we navigate conflicting demands on our time, leading to a sense of disorder rather than clarity.

Planning and time blocking are key components of successful time management. By creating a well-structured schedule, you can allocate specific time slots for different tasks or activities, ensuring you have dedicated time for each.

Time blocking is a strategy for managing your time effectively. It involves dividing your day into distinct blocks, each dedicated to a specific task or set of tasks. Instead of having an indefinite to-do list that you tackle whenever you have the opportunity, you begin each day with a structured schedule that outlines exactly what you will work on and when.

The crucial aspect of this method is prioritizing your tasks ahead of time, which makes a thorough weekly review. Evaluate what you have planned for the upcoming week and create a rough outline of your time blocks for each day.

Time blocking your calendar helps you allocate hourly dedicated periods for important work, such as email responses and task completion. It minimizes the need for context-switching. How frequently do you check emails in between tasks or attempt to work on a major project amidst other assignments?

With time blocking, you can designate specific time slots for crucial tasks, enabling you to concentrate effectively on high-impact work.

If your calendar is mostly filled with meetings, time blocking may not be effective. However, if you often have chunks of open time on your calendar, this strategy can help you better manage your attention and focus.

By intentionally scheduling work using time blocking, you can regain control over your calendar and combat Parkinson’s Law, which states that work will expand to fill the available time.

Time blocking is especially beneficial in the following situations:

# When you frequently attempt to multitask, it’s difficult to focus on any one task for an extended period of time.

# When you need help focusing on a single task and reducing distractions

# When you aim to be purposeful in your time and energy distribution at work,

# When you’re unsure of how you’re spending your time each day, it’s helpful to keep a time log.

# When you need time blocking to combat overworking, try to view each block as a focused and uninterrupted period where you can tackle important tasks and engage in deep, productive work.

A real-life example of effective planning and time blocking is when I was preparing for a seminar while also balancing work commitments. I divided my preparation time into focused blocks, dedicating specific hours to different aspects. This approach allowed me to cover all the material without feeling upset.

Through strict adherence to my schedule, I managed my time efficiently, resulting in increased productivity and excellent outcomes.


By mastering time management, you can increase your productivity by leaps and bounds. Effective planning, time blocking, and the Pomodoro Technique can help you make the most of your time and achieve your goals faster.

These strategies have proven to be highly effective in boosting productivity, as I have experienced firsthand.

Take control of your time, prioritize your tasks, and watch your productivity soar!



Indra Raj Pathak

Educationist, pragmatic, writer-poet by passion. Editor.