How to Master the 48 Laws of Power

“The world is the will to power” — Nietzsche

Genius Turner


Power — the ability to do something, to be something, to have something. (Pic:

I. Why Learn the 48 Laws of Power?

I once overheard a drunk on the subway shout at another passenger: “If you ain’t got my money, fool, I can’t hear ya! Because— men tell lies . . . women tell lies . . . numbers tell truths!”

In vino veritas!

Indeed, the numbers tell the following incredible story:

The average lifespan is roughly 27,000 days.

Because Nature imposes the “Sleep Tax Bill,” one-third of the sands stuffed in each hourglass has to be forked over to the cousin of death.

That leaves us 18,000 days.

Work commute to work . . . eating bowel movements . . . and so on snag away about another 8,000 days.

Between birthday and death-day, at best, we each get about 10,000 days before finally twirling into the Reaper’s grim arms.

In short, dear reader, why reading what follows is important can be boiled down to this equation:

Knowledge is Power + money is Power + time is Money = knowing this will be time well spent!

II. Law 4: Always Say Less…



Genius Turner

My work’s popular in academia (biology, psychology, logic, etc) + Signed to the same agency as Eckhart Tolle = I’m an ordinary guy serving an extraordinary God.