How To Practice Gratitude For Lazy People Like Me

I never thought I would journal

Amardeep Parmar


Created by the author — original image from Pexels

My whole life, I’ve been chasing goals and looking at the future. Nothing I achieved was enough especially in comparison to everyone else. I imagined others as far happier than I was. I could get 90% but be annoyed I was missing 10%.

Yet I believe happiness is the reality we perceive minus expectations. My expectations were sky-high (and still are) but I also perceived my reality as worse than it really was. I knew I was being irrational and needed to be more kind to myself.

A gratitude practice is thinking about who you are and what you have already rather than focusing on what you lack. UC Berkeley has shown people have stronger immune systems, sleep better, feel less lonely, and are more optimistic.

But who has time to write about their feelings for half an hour every day? I certainly didn’t like being told I was lazy for not making time! We all have our own challenges so I made a practice I knew I could keep.

My simple practice has made me calmer and less likely to worry. Most importantly, I’ve been able to maintain the habit for over a year!

The habit and why it works



Amardeep Parmar

Founder of The BAE HQ @amardeepbae + Host of Entrepreneur's Handbook ☆ I help the ambitious develop deep self awareness ☆