How To Sincerely Apologise for Sexual Misconduct of Any Sort

It’s just a three-step process

Ruth Stewart


Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash

Men. I am sorry to make this flaw obvious but it seems to me that not many of you are good at apologising for sexual misconduct.

Women, I know that men shouldn’t need a guide, but clearly, they do. It is not enough for men to be sorry we are offended by something they have done. They are sorry we have taken offence. They are not apologising for what they did that was wrong.

Afterwards, they use humour to point out that they have learned their lesson. This is not apologetic behaviour. Making light of something that they did wrong doesn’t sound apologetic. If a man is making light of something, he is trying to reduce the impact of his behaviour. He isn't understanding, and he isn’t taking the woman’s feelings into account.

Men, who want to sincerely apologise, note these steps.

Number One:

Accept what you did/said was wrong and say sorry. This is absolutely vital for an apology. These are ideas for what Joe could say if he were genuinely sorry. He could try:

‘I am sorry I touched you inappropriately. I can see that smelling your hair and putting my hands on you was wrong. I am sorry I did that.’



Ruth Stewart

Ancient feminist, psychological discoverer, here to help you to uncover your limiting beliefs, core beliefs and change your life for the better. She/her.