How to Turn Your Productivity Around for the Better

Keep something comfortable close

Nicole Akers
Published in
6 min readApr 14, 2020


Child with hands in air as if to celebrate a win
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Productivity, in its simplest form, is getting tasks done to meet goals.

“Simplicity boils down to two steps: Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest.” — Leo Babauta

Most people are working from home right now, even if it’s only until quarantine is over. If you’ve worked from home for your business, not much may have changed. But, a lot of people are home figuring out how to work, have a home life, and school kids all thrust together under the same roof, without separate environments and places to get “stuff” done.

If you are new to working from home, it will help to identify what has to get done and make a time frame to complete it. Let go of anything that doesn’t matter. Also, keep something comfortable close at hand.

How do you do productivity well?

That’s the million-dollar question.

The experts all suggest something different. They are good suggestions, but you can’t implement their success story in the same way they did and expect the same results unless the guru’s tips fit your life, patterns, and behaviors.



Nicole Akers

Teacher | Happy Mom of 2 brings amazing tips on parenting, learning, & lifestyle | 🐶 Mom | Bestselling Author | Founder of Publishous. Keep that smile.