How We Became Superhosts on Airbnb in 6 Months

We just used our vacant floor and it worked!

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi


This month, we became superhosts on Airbnb. A huge win for my mum-in-law, who’s been at it day in and day out when we have a booking. You see — she hasn’t worked before because my father-in-law was in the Indian Air Force. She spent her life taking care of both her kids instead of working. In our current house, she put two floors on rent. The first floor's rent went away with me coming in a year and a half ago because I married her son. And the second floor, anyway, went earlier during the pandemic.

Suddenly, there was no inflow of income for her. We often discussed that we’d put the second floor on Airbnb, which is currently our party pad. During my trip across Europe with my mom for four weeks in the summer of 2022, I stayed in Airbnb in different cities where I got ideas to apply here. I’ll get to it soon.

Here’s how we did it. By we, I mean my husband and I handling the online stuff and my MIL doing all the offline work.

1/ Flexibility

A few minutes before I started typing this article, we received an enquiry from a guest from London if he could come at 11 am as he is landing at 8 am.

