I Didn’t Think I’d Ever Have to Learn These Skills As A Writer

But I did, and they helped me immensely. Here’s how you can implement them too.

Anangsha Alammyan
Published in
5 min readJul 10, 2022


Image from the author’s Instagram.

Life as a writer is an unpredictable roller coaster.

One day, you might be planning for your next piece of content. And the next, you’ll sign a deal worth several thousands of dollars for a skill you’d never even known existed before.

When I quit my job to become a full-time writer, I thought all I’d ever do was stare at my computer screen and type away. But this couldn’t have been farther from the truth.

Over the past nine months as a self-employed creative, I’ve had to learn and nurture so many skills, that I feel I’ve almost become a different person.

If you’re a writer or plan to embark on this career soon, read on for some actionable steps on the skills and mindset shifts you need to polish as a digital writer in 2022.

1. Keep redefining “Success”

“The content in this ebook is very basic and does not give actual actionable information. I’d like a refund, please.”

That’s what a person who recently purchased my 90-day freelancing guide said.

