I Have No Excuse

Ideas are everywhere.

Keith H


Ideas are everywhere.

They can surprise us while doing the most ordinary, basic things at the oddest times. Ideas can be found in the closest objects next to us or in ourselves, even without the use of today’s advanced technology.

This is the primary reason why we have no legitimate excuse not to have a fresh idea every single day we breathe.

The world we live in has no shortage of resources by which we can gain information, whether it’s through people or things. There’s always a way for ideas to flow.

But the focus isn’t if or where ideas can be found; it’s what we’re doing with these thoughts when we find them.

Ideas can be captured by doing the simplest of activities.

Going to the grocery store may spark an idea about health or your problem with rude customers. You go in for apples, but you may come out with a life-changing concept of how a checkout line could be better organized or improved. Who knows.

Typically, while I’m out for a drive, ideas come out of nowhere. Either I was thinking about an idea earlier, and this thought enhances it, or something brand new and unexpected comes to mind.



Keith H

I’m somewhere writing about creative ways to be more productive