I Like “Third-World Countries” Better Than First World Countries

Tom Kuegler
Published in
6 min readFeb 14, 2019


Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash

Last year I bought a one-way plane ticket to the Philippines. It was the best decision I ever made.

I’ve been here for 3 months so far, and I plan to spend another 4 months in Southeast Asia.

In fact, I spent Christmas and New Years here away from the warmth of my family, because I love it here so much.

I remember being out on the streets of Manila on New Year's Eve. People were lighting off fireworks hung from the electric wires. Sometimes they’d literally hold them in their hand, let someone light it, then sit there eating sparks for about 2 seconds before their mini-rocket took off.

Sometimes instead of going up, it would shoot right into the street, right next to us onlookers. All we could do then is turn around and hope we didn’t get our legs blown off.


What a wild place this is.

The kids play in the pot-hole filled streets without any shoes on. They roam about with dirt on their faces, sweating, smiling all the way.

Manila sometimes smells like a bathroom (sometimes). I often see people in REALLY bad shape walking…



Tom Kuegler

Travel blogger. 30 years old. Currently in Mexico. Subscribe to my Substack: https://mindofawriter.substack.com/