I Didn’t Mean to Hurt Her

Anne Peterson
Published in
6 min readMay 7, 2019


A story about my mom

Photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash

If you ever saw the movie, Big Fat Greek Wedding, that was my life in the making. We even owned a family Restaurant, actually a Snack Shop. At twelve, I was already behind the counter learning to be a waitress.

In our home, there was no talking back. If we were told something, we had better listen.

“We’re going shopping for shoes,” mom said.

While I was glad for the opportunity to get new shoes, something in me resisted the idea of having to go with my mom. I was getting older and I so wanted my independence. My mom and I were definitely not on the same page.

Mom didn’t learn to drive because she said she was too nervous, so any shopping expedition meant we were taking the bus. Dad was at the Snack Shop, so we really were on our own.

Day after day, I was reminded in school how I lagged behind the other kids. In seventh grade, there was talk of “going with someone,” whatever that meant. Some girls started wearing make-up. Yes, I really was lagging behind. And here I was shoe-shopping with my mom.

The bus came to the stop, and the door swung open. What mom didn’t know was that I had made up my mind. I would go shopping with her, but I would not be with her on the bus.



Anne Peterson

Poet, Speaker, published author 16 books. Most recent book, Always There. Visit Anne’s website www.annepeterson.com to sign up for a free eBook.