If It’s Worth Sharing, It’s Worth Finishing

What I learned about persistence from building an online course

Frank McKinley


Photo by Studio Republic on Unsplash

Have you ever started a big project and lost steam midway through it?

I have.

Lots of times.

If you’ve ever written a book or developed a course, you know what I mean.

If you’re looking for hope to carry on, I’ll offer you some in this post.

First, let’s look at what’s keeping you from finishing.

The finish line is 10,000 miles away.

This isn’t so threatening in the beginning.

Go a few weeks into your project and that light at the other end starts flickering like a candle that’s about to go out.

You can’t see a glimmer that’s weeks or months away.

So you entertain giving up.

Then you might stop completely.

Besides, who will care?

The people you’re here to help will, that’s who.

This is harder than I thought it would be.

This one will sink your ship when it’s in the middle of the ocean and your life raft has a gaping hole in it.



Frank McKinley

I like to figure things out and share what I find. My favorite topics are faith, communication, business, and personal growth. https://skl.sh/2Xp1p8d