If You Want Your Life to Change, You Need to Make Space for It to Happen

Nothing more can be added to an already full glass

Allison Burney


Photo by tabitha turner on Unsplash

Sometimes life comes down to basic mathematics.

You have to remove certain things in order to add others. Subtraction before addition.

I’ve found myself smack in the middle of this exact equation lately. I looked up one day and realized that I’d added way too much to my plate and no longer had room for the things I actually wanted to do because a heaping mess already existed there—and it was beginning to spill all over the floor!

I just kept running from one spill to the next, frantically cleaning each one up, never stopping to figure out if there was another way.

We Do That Sometimes, Don’t We?

We tend to get lost in the scramble, and then we keep scrambling around cleaning up the mess rather than taking a step back to look at the bigger picture.

Big-picture analysis is hard to do when you’re in the thick of it. When I get overwhelmed, for example, I can’t see anything outside of the overwhelm bubble I’m in. All I know is that there’s always another task that needs to be completed. It’s like putting out little fires all day long. It feels like that.



Allison Burney

Writer, ghostwriter & proofreader. On a mission to keep exploring, learning & enjoying this adventure we call life. Work with me: allisonburney.com