I’m Grateful for My Catlike Reflexes!

Narrowly Escaping a Wreck on My Drive to Work

Shayne Seymour


Other than the lighter traffic, this morning’s drive to work was typical. At first.

Cool Cat Statue in Madrid

Sometimes Traffic is Better

Cars move slower in traffic. Unless you’re right on the bumper of the person in front of you, the crawling speed gives you more reaction time.

When you’re at a standstill, you’re not going to run into anybody.

Light traffic meant we were all cruising along at a fast pace. Nobody was speeding, but we were moving just below the speed limit.

Déjà Who?

There was this one lady who got on my tail until I passed the car in the middle lane and then moved over allowing her to pass. Twice.

I have no idea how she ended up on my bumper a second time, but it happened twice. It was like déjà vu.

I have no idea how she ended up behind me a second time, but the same lady did it twice. It was like déjà vu.

Did you feel it too?

I’m not too proud to go for the cheap laugh.

Then There was the U-Haul Truck



Shayne Seymour

Happiness is my superpower. Travel, Gratitude and Mindfulness are my Infinity Stones. Humor is my Patronus. www.IndependentlyHappy.com