IQ Doesn’t Matter as Much as You Think it Does

The path to success is paved in mosaic

Eric Sangerma


Source: Needpix, royalty-free

A few years ago, out of sheer boredom, my wife and I came up with a challenge: whoever scored higher on an IQ test would do the chores for an entire week.

We took the same test, and I won.

I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t gloat when I got my score. It wasn’t until I was washing the third load of dishes that I realized that winning the bet meant I was stuck with all the work.

In all ways that matter, my wife won that round.

You wouldn’t believe the level of brilliance packed into such a tiny woman. She’s one of the most gifted multitaskers I know. She also handles our finances with particular ease and pragmatism. Her conversation skills are miles ahead of mine, and so are her day-to-day coping mechanisms and resourcefulness.

I honestly think that if the world came to an end (and yes, I recently re-watched the Walking Dead), my wife would a queen, and I would be a mere servant.

I scored higher on a test that gets used all the time to assess competence. And yet, I’d probably get bitten by the walkers in the first week of the apocalypse.

These things just don’t add up.

What Does It Mean to Have…



Eric Sangerma

I Help Companies Excel and Individuals Thrive. I write about Mental Health, Relationships and Productivity. Follow me: