Learning From a Future First Lady

Campaigning with Rosalynn Carter

Randy Shingler


First Lady Rosalynn Carter, 1977, Britannica, royalty-free.

Rosalynn Carter, wife of President Carter, inspired me by what I learned in observing her up close and personal at a formative time in my life. I got to know her well as I practically lived with her in July and August, 1970 when Jimmy Carter was running for Governor of Georgia.

It was the summer between my junior and senior year at the University of Georgia. I had been hired as a summer intern to work in Jimmy Carter’s campaign. I began in June and for the first few weeks mainly ran errands and performed some clerical functions.

On July 4th the regular driver for Rosalynn had taken some time off and I was asked to drive her to some campaign functions. After spending that day with her she requested that I become her permanent driver and that I travel with her. During July and August, I drove her, traveled with her on planes, and spent many nights at their home in Plains, Georgia.

She inspired me with her graciousness, her caring and compassion for other people, and her innate spirituality. These characteristics were displayed on many occasions during the course of that summer. Watching how she treated people and how they responded taught me a lot about how to be most effective in dealing with people. It is something I have applied in my life and other…



Randy Shingler

Writer, Poet, Essayist, Meditator, Compassionate Being, Top writer in Poetry,History, and Diversity.