Morning Coffee Meditations

Magic Beans, Gratitude, and Morning Meditations

Crystal Jackson
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2019


Photo by Albert S on Unsplash

Why am I awake?

This is the part of the morning where it’s less soul-searching and more trying to figure out who you are (remembering your name helps), why you’re awake (work, adulting, right!), where you put your favorite shirt (Is it clean? Is it dirty? Nobody knows), and where’s the coffee.

Coffee. Coffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffee.

Choosing a morning mantra is important. It may be difficult to choose anything but this one until the need for coffee is met.

Breathe in coffee scent. Breathe out contentment.

Deep breathing is essential to any meditation practice. You can also inhale magic, exhale gratitude or breathe in happiness, release stress. It’s up to you.

I am thankful for coffee.

Insert first-sip gratitude practice. (Subsequent sips focus on gratitude for other things like laughter, sunshine, friendship, coffee creamer, etc.)

Mmm… mmm…

Like OM, but for coffee. Bringing a sense of mindful meditation to our morning coffee can help us enjoy the experience while grounding ourselves in the…

