My 6 Everyday Productivity Strategies (They’re Easy to Follow)

#4 Automate your life as much as possible.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi


Photo by wilsan u on Unsplash

My idea behind productivity is the same as what it is about life in general — we all have different truths.

There is no one-size-fits-all career or productivity ‘hack’. Waking up at 5 am would suck for me because I will not sleep at 10 pm, and I want my 7 to 8 hours of sleep. And I don’t think that waking up at 7:30 am is barring me from focusing and being productive.

Here are the top six productivity strategies I follow. None of them require major lifestyle changes and are relatively easy to follow.

They work because they’re easy.

1. DND

Even Apple realises how much we use this and has introduced different focus modes. I have my DND on throughout the day because I don’t want my phone lighting up and making sounds whenever somebody messages me.

All my notifications are off for two years, anyway.

But DND is the cherry on top of it because it makes me control my phone instead of my phone controlling me. Only my text notifications are on and collect on the lock screen when my phone is on Focus Mode.

2. Using Clockify

