My Comprehensive Blueprint to Conclude 2023 on A Phenomenal Note

Build massive rut-free momentum going into 2024 — to crush your New-Year goals and resolutions

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
11 min readDec 3, 2023


Generated with Leonardo AI

Self-sabotage got me in a chokehold.

Blitz-chess procrastination. Surfing celebrity-gossip. Near-daily NoFap relapses. Nagging existential doubt — and an unexpected breakup to worsen it all.

This wasn’t my 2023 Q4 “gameplan” — but as Mike Tyson quipped, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”

The question is whether you counter-punch or reel in defeat.

  • My lizard brain hisses, “2023 is almost drawing to an end. Why bother now? Mess up to the max. We‘ll start afresh in 2024.”
  • But the rational cortex whispers, “These are our last few weeks to build all-out momentum before 2024 starts!”

Hearing variants of the same voices? We both know which is right.

This idea of “messing up to the max” and “resetting” the next day, week, or year is insidious.

If your knee is broken, would you hammer it to a pulp before letting it recover?



Neeramitra Reddy

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