My Experience with Ghost Fear: A Point-By-Point Guide to Overcome It

I distinctly remember the icy chill that ran down my spine when I encountered the ghostly apparitions of my childhood

Indra Raj Pathak
5 min readJun 16, 2023


Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Ever since I can remember, back to my childhood days, I have been filled with an inexplicable fear of ghostly apparitions.

The mere thought of venturing into the darkness sent shivers down my spine.

My mother, in her attempt to protect me, instilled an intense fear of a formidable ghost with long nails and teeth.

This fear was deeply rooted in her own childhood experiences, shaping her beliefs about the existence of ghosts.

However, she also taught me a unique way to overcome this fear — through the chanting of the Hanuman Chalisa, a prayer revered in Hinduism to ward off ghosts and evil entities.

Understanding the Origin of Fear

As time passed, I comprehended that my mother’s fear of ghosts stemmed from her own personal encounters and the lasting impressions they had left on her.

Her unconditional love for me made her wary of the dark, perceiving it as a realm teeming with malevolent spirits.

It was her genuine concern for my safety that compelled her to transmit this fear to me, hoping to keep me protected from any potential harm.

The Power of the Hanuman Chalisa

In Hindu mythology, the demigod Hanuman is highly revered and is renowned for his ability to vanquish witches and ghosts.

The Hanuman Chalisa is of great importance and significance to his disciples and is often recited in an act of adoration.

My mother, being a devout follower, taught me specific verses from the Hanuman Chalisa to chant during moments of darkness and fear, ensuring that I had them memorized and readily available for use.

I felt the presence of a higher power, a warm and comforting presence that gave me strength and security beyond my wildest dreams.

Courtesy: Indra Raj Pathak (Hindu demigod Hanuman)
Courtesy: Indra Raj Pathak (Hanuman Chalisa)

The Mental Programming

The teachings of the Hanuman Chalisa had been deeply embedded in my mind, and I found comfort and strength during times of distress.

Whenever I faced the daunting prospect of darkness, I would chant the verses, invoking the invisible protection of Hanuman.

This phenomenon resulted from mental programming, wherein the imagined ghostly presence was counteracted by the reassurance of Hanuman’s divine presence.

Overcoming Fear in a Unique Way

Overcoming my fear of ghosts through the Hanuman Chalisa was a deeply personal and unique journey.

Employing spirituality and faith as part of my approach has enabled me to tailor an individualized method of dealing with my fears, even though there are some generic solutions available.

The Hanuman Chalisa provided me with a tangible connection to a higher power, instilling a sense of strength and security that transcended the bounds of my imagination.

The Power of Faith

I discovered that with each day that went by, my fear of ghosts was becoming less and less as I chanted the Hanuman Chalisa regularly.

Gradually, my faith replaced the fear that had taken hold of me, allowing me to confront the darkness with newfound confidence.

Every time I spoke the lines of Hanuman Chalisa, my conviction that Hanuman was watching over me and shielding me grew stronger, gradually replacing the illusions that had been clouding my thoughts.

Point-by-Point Guide to Overcome the Fear of Ghosts


Begin by acknowledging your fear of ghosts and recognizing that it stems from various factors, such as personal experiences, cultural influences, or childhood impressions.


Make sure you take the time to learn more about ghosts and paranormal phenomena to expand your knowledge. Exploring different cultural mythologies, scientific evidence, and psychological interpretations can shed light on the concept of ghosts and broaden comprehension.


Talk to friends, family, or professionals who can provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment to share your fears.

Connecting with others who have overcome similar fears can offer valuable insights and reassurance.


Challenge irrational thoughts and beliefs associated with ghosts.

Understand that fear often arises from exaggerated or unfounded assumptions.

Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations and logical reasoning.


Make your way through experiences that bring on your fear, beginning with the mildest and slowly making your way to the more intense ones.

This gradual exposure helps you to gain steadiness and self-assurance.


Make it a habit to take a few minutes each day to focus on your breath and practice mindfulness.

The practice of meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga can help you feel more grounded, reducing your anxiety and giving you the clarity to confront your fears.


Visualize yourself surrounded by a bright, glowing light that shields you from any negativity.

By visualizing a feeling of security and strength, you can diminish the power of fear.


Begin each day with a simple ritual that reminds you of your commitment to overcoming your fear of ghosts.

To combat your fear, you could light a candle, recite a mantra, or perform a specific action that symbolizes your courage and determination.


If spiritual practices are meaningful to you, consider asking some genuine spiritual guide for support or engaging in activities that honor your values.

The personal account suggests that chanting the Hanuman Chalisa can provide a shield of protection and a spiritual bond, no matter what your faith is.


If the thought of ghosts becomes too much to bear and interferes with your daily life, think about reaching out for professional help. Mental health professionals, such as therapists or counselors, can provide personalized interventions to address specific phobias and fears.

To Sum up

As a child, I felt a chill run down my spine when I heard stories of ghosts, the fear of them ingrained in my psyche.

My mother’s guidance and the gentle recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa gave me the courage to overcome my fear.

With faith and spirituality, I could find light in the depths of the darkness that once plagued me. Through my journey of self-discovery, I understand that believing in something greater than oneself can be a powerful tool in overcoming fear.

Through discovering extra sources and using individualized approaches, individuals can embark on their own personal, transformational paths to combat fear.

References for Overcoming Fear

I found that chanting the Hanuman Chalisa helped me to overcome my fear of ghosts, but it is important to acknowledge that this may not be the case for everyone.

Reaching out for help and advice can be essential in the journey of overcoming fear.

Here are a few references that provide knowledge and tools to help you overcome your fears:

  1. The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund J. Bourne
  2. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers
  3. The Fear Cure: Cultivating Courage as Medicine for the Body, Mind, and Soul by Lissa Rankin, M.D.
  4. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle



Indra Raj Pathak

Educationist, pragmatic, writer-poet by passion. Editor.