Obsessed? Here’s How to Let that Thought or Habit Go
Decide what deserves your attention most
Obsessions, unhealthy habits, unsupportive thoughts, and emotional attachments seem to haunt us. If only we could just drop checking our phones all the time, thinking about that person (and checking that person’s social media profile so much), or stop getting all those chocolate bars. Just like that, we could be so much lighter, and healthier. If only we could… let it go.
The popular myth is that it takes you 21 days of doing something every day to make it into a habit, fully crystalized into your life. In fact, research points out it is more a 66 days thing. It might take longer, or shorter. Who knows… 21 days is average, and deep down, no one is average.
We all get it. We need to let it go. Yet, understanding something mentally is easy. If that was all it took, we would all be highly disciplined, emotionally mature, successful, and wonderful lovers, right?
Let’s look at two sides of this: first, repression and suppression. Then, we look at how to actually shift that habit.
Repression and Suppression
Saying, “get out of here, stupid thought,” is obviously not enough to change a pattern. If anything, it can make us more agitated, anxious, and…