One Stressful Day

John Tuttle
Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2019
Source: Rod Long via Unsplash.

There can often be strife throughout the life of a college student. Examples include books which are needed by a certain date and have not yet arrived, finding a job to fit in with your academic schedule, bills for services you did not even know existed. But particularly in my own life, a few days ago, I had a very frustrating incident. I was at Walmart for over an hour, and I only had five items to get.

After waiting in the checkout line for several minutes, my items were scanned. However, I needed a PIN number to complete the transaction. I had used the card for in-person purchases perhaps three times prior to this. I did not know the PIN off the top of my head. This was ignorance on my part.

After a call, I had that sorted out. Unfortunately, even after I ran it with my PIN, the card was denied — not just once, but repeatedly. The kind employees tried everything they could, but nothing worked. At this point, my mind began to go into a frenzy. I needed to make this purchase, which included printer ink, so I could print out my homework that was due the following day! I knew I had to buy this, but it was becoming a time-consuming annoyance.

Eventually, one of the Walmart employees asked if I was here as a college student. So I confirmed his hunch, and he suggested that the card was denying the purchase because I acquired it when I was back home, which was out-of-state. Come to find out, this was indeed the case. After twenty minutes or so on the phone with my parents as well as my bank (mixed with some light cussing out of anxiety), the mess was thankfully cleared up. I went back into Walmart and finally completed the purchase. The emotion of severe stress over the whole ordeal began to dissipate. I started to feel better about my day, although a little humiliated with myself for being so absent-minded and upset over the matter.

Later that day, though I had a lot on my mind, I still made it to my weekly Bible study. Our leader had us read a segment taken from the Second Letter to the Corinthians. But the part from it which stood out most to me read as follows:

“We are afflicted in every way, but not constrained; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our body.” — 2 Corinthians 4:8–10.

Of course God knew what I needed. And at that moment, in the middle of that stressful and aggravating day, I came to find peace. I found comfort and consolation in the Word of God. I sat down at the beginning of that Bible study with a sigh. And when I heard that passage being read, it was as if it was being screamed out for my sake. It spoke to me, and I knew it was. Perhaps it should no longer astonish me when I see the hand of God at work in my life. Nevertheless, it does! He blesses me and all the earth every day. And I am thankful for it!



John Tuttle

Journalist and creative. Words @ The Hill, Submittable, The Millions, Tablet Magazine, GMP, University Bookman, Prehistoric Times: