Pain and Pleasure: How Associating These Two Forces to Your Life Helps You Get Things Done

You can either pay for the price of discipline to live happily or the cost of regret

Emmanuel A. Anderson


Photo by Marissa&Eric on Unsplash

According to psychology, the two things that dictate our decisions and actions are pain and pleasure.

Whenever one does something, they either want to move away from pain or move toward pleasure.

It, therefore, doesn’t sound like a cliche if you’re told to look between these two things if you want to know why people act the way they do.

Because these two forces control us, and it’s no different when it comes to your goals. And associating them with yourself can make a difference in your life. Let’s see how it works.

The power behind these two forces

“Show me the incentive, and I will show you the outcome.” — Charlie Monger

Forces shape human behavior. We can’t see with our eyes. Without no idea, you’ll doubt it when someone talks about it. You may think you make the decisions and take the actions in your life. But, authentically, no.

You don’t determine how you act and behave entirely. Instead, the forces of pain and pleasure influence you and determine…



Emmanuel A. Anderson

Thinker || Writing to give meaning to life || Author of the upcoming book, "Heal yourself, heal the world."