Writing Tips

Practical Ways to Ensure Everything You Write Is for Your Readers

Never under-estimate the power of your readers.

Sam H Arnold
Published in
5 min readAug 6, 2020


The pressure on writers to create daily content is huge. If you read many of the articles dedicated to making money from blogging, they all say the same thing. To earn, you need to produce regular content. Daily content, is the suggestion. Not many writers talk about this content needing to be quality content, though.

Sure you will make money from all content, but will you make enough? You have one chance to make a first impression and this is never more true than when it concerns writing.

If a reader’s first introduction to your work is not a quality piece, will they come back and read more? Ask yourself that question as a reader. If you read an article from a new writer, that is littered with grammatical mistakes and has no real content, would you read more of their work?

For this reason, as a writing coach, I have to encourage my writers to write quality content. You should, of course, publish regularly, but this does not need to be daily. Find a routine that you can stick to and work with that. Do not feel pressurised to write every day if you have nothing to say. As a writer, there should be three questions you ask yourself…



Sam H Arnold

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