Quit Telling People About your Dreams

Sarah Nderi
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2018


It’s not a competition.

“assorted stickers” by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Have you ever told someone your plans and then they are telling you theirs and suddenly it’s a competition? Me too. Sometimes people don’t understand why we do what we do, pursue what we pursue or even love what we love. At times we don’t understand what they love or pursue. It’s okay.

You are not meant to understand, you are meant to support.


If you tell your dream to naysayers, your dream is gone. They show you why it can’t work out, the obstacles, market saturation, so and so did it and it failed. Naysayers never moved from being amateurs in their thinking, or craft. Sorry to say this.

Naysayers never actualized their dreams, ran out of tomorrows, planned and failed at execution, or are just too lazy to execute.

Ever notice when you start doing so good in your craft, some friends will leave?

“silhouette of two mens near seashore about to high five during sunset” by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Steven Pressfield, says;

When a writer begins to overcome her Resistance — in other words, when she actually starts to write- she may find that those close to her begin acting strange. They may become moody or…

