Quitting These Status Games Gave Me The Freedom I Didn’t Know Was Possible

A guide to living life on your terms.

Anangsha Alammyan
Published in
5 min readDec 29, 2023


Photo by Carl Raw on Unsplash

I was 27 when I realized my definition of success was messed up.

My own house, a fancy car, branded clothing, pictures of expensive holidays to post on my socials — if I had all these, I thought I’d be happy.

Then, I quit my job to pursue my passion for writing, and then realized how meaningless most of the status games we play are. Money and public perception matters nothing if you aren’t able to wake up every day feeling excited about your life. This powerful clarity allowed me to design a life free from what I’ve been told is the epitome of perfection.

“The rat race is a hamster wheel to nowhere.”

This quote by Tim Denning got me thinking about how so much of our life is spent in mindless, repetitive tasks that lead us nowhere.

True freedom comes at a price, and if you’re willing to pay it, your life will change so much, you won’t be able to recognize yourself.

Don’t believe me? Read on, and maybe you’ll leave with a changed perspective.

Looking good all the time

